AstroEQ based open source telescope controller board
This is the second blog post about some DIY hardware I have made for controlling the telescope on equatorial mount based on AstroEQ platform, fully open source hardware. for more info about AstroEQ--- See what is an equatorial mount -- The board is fully an open source hardware based on ASCOM, EQMOD and AstroEQ, driven by powerful 8-bit microcontroller Atmega2560 (incorporated in Arduino boards). The board acts as shield for the Mega2560 boards available in the market and is capable of converting any equatorial mount telescope into a motorized telescope with both axis control and it will let you do through the PC or laptop... yay.. sounds interesting. Let us see what is required to do so..... First of all you need a telescope mount which supports mounting motors on that (either single axis or double axis). Once you have telescope mount, you have to do some basic calculations for...