4 relay Bluetooth shield for Arduino Uno and Mega2560 based boards

Why to use shield when you can customize with wires
Exactly, because of the last word in the point made above. WIRES, they are the ones which make your project or instrument look very old fashioned and ugly. This is the reason why people prefer PCBs over breadboard. The shield which you have got takes care of that and ensures you have a smaller number of wires (Coming only from the sensors) in your project.

Connection guide
The relays operate through a phototransistor of Toshiba optocoupler, connected to the digital pins of the Arduino board. The optocoupler isolates from any short circuit happening on the output load which is to be connected. The Bluetooth is standard HC-05 Bluetooth module (Supplied with the board if opted). The overall design of the board is user friendly in the sense, user can change the Bluetooth modules if it goes bad by any chance.
Bluetooth communication is a serial communication and can be programmed via Arduino IDE available for download. There are various platforms for free app developments such as MIT app inventor, which is the easiest I have tested. User have to develop their own apps and Arduino programs for their specific requirements.
The relays on the board are rated for 7A, and the track width is also suitable for handling this much current. (The relay only boards available in the market (most of them) are having track width suitable only for current up to 4A.) The relays are connected as follows---

Relay 1- digital pin 11
Relay 2- digital pin 10
Relay 3- digital pin 9
Relay 4- digital pin 8

All the connections and the board are tested after soldering to ensure there are no manufacturing defects left. The flux on the board is not removed in case user has to change the components in case of failure. The pins other than relay pins (Digital pins 2 to 7, Analog in pins as well as PWR section of Arduino is kept open with female headers in case users have to connect the sensors and operate relays accordingly. 
The price of the board is kept very low, because the idea behind making this is not to make profit but to facilitate the DIYers and hobbyists.

Just plug this shield on your Arduino board and there you go

The application areas of the relay shield with Bluetooth control involve
1.    Home automation using Bluetooth
2.    Water pump controller
3.    Gardening automation using humidity sensors
4.    IoT applications.
Features of the relay Bluetooth shield—
1.      Low cost meant for prototyping.
2.      No clumsy wires in the project.
3.      Isolated from microcontroller
4.      Based on open source hardware and software.
5.      Relays can handle current of 7A (Rated for 10A).
6.      Embedded Bluetooth support and removable Bluetooth module.
7.      Proudly made in India.

*Please note that the boards which I am making are completely in my free time and availability of components. The price may fluctuate by Rs. ~20 to 30 due to availability of components.

Please let me know at least 12 days in advance in case you need more than 1 relay shield ( in which case you will get discount on price) as the boards are completely on made to order basis.


Contact me if interested in buying----
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. I sell on Tindie


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